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PHSC 1011 Report 1


 You are to write a report on a Nobel Prize winning physicist from the list at:


The report should include the following:


¡ Information about the person's life (i.e. where and when he or she was born and any interesting stories about their life.)


¡  What he or she contributed to science (give some detail about what they worked on)



The report will be three full typed pages long (not including the title and your name) double-spaced with a 12 pt times New Roman font. You will need to use standard margins.


You will need to list your sources of information which must include at a minimum two non-internet sources (i.e. books or magazines not including your textbook). This is not included in your three page length.


Any plagiarism will result in a zero. If two people turn in the same report (i.e. if a majority of the writing is the same) both people will get zeros.


This report is due at midterm: February 27, 2013