William Blake: illustration to Dante The Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto I, 1-90
The Kiss (Paolo and Francesca)
Mohammed showing his wound to Dante
Mohammed showing his wound to Dante
Detail of Mohammed showing his wound to Dante
Inferno V
by Gustave Doré (19th c.)
Bibliotheque des Arts Decoratifs, Paris
Inferno V
Auguste Rodin (19th c.)
Museè Rodin
Inferno VX
by Gustave Doré
Inferno XXVIII
by Gustave Doré (19th c.)
Bibliotheque des Arts Decoratifs, Paris
Inferno XXVIII
Manuscript (14th c.), Bodleian Library, Oxford
Inferno XXVIII
Manuscript (14th c.), Bodleian Library, Oxford
Inferno XXXIV
Manuscript (14th c.), Bodleian Library, Oxford