- Chivalry was the Medieval knight's code of conduct for
the battlefield and the court.
- It began as a warrior's code amongst Charlemagne's
- Knights were
- Aristocrats (men from noble or royal families)
- Trained in the martial arts
- Horse cavalry
- Chivalry included the ideals of
- Honor
- Courtesy
- Brotherhood
- Martial prowess
- Loyalty to God and King
- Courtly Love
- Jus in bello (the laws of war)
- protecting the lives and property of
- how to treat POW's
- other knights were held for ransom
- everyone else was slaughtered
- The duties of a knight ...
- to protect physically women, children, and the
- to protect the honor of women
- never to question their superiors
- never to turn away from battle
- to be honest
- never to turn down a challenge from another knight
- defend the Christian faith and the Church