How to Make a Good Grade

As a student, you should know that you are the one who make your grade – you are the one who take the exam, do the homework assignments and attend classes. Your instructor does not GIVE you your grade. He/she only RECORDS your grade. So if you want to have a good grade, all you have to do is study.

People have different learning styles. Thus you should have your own way to study. Nonetheless, I found the following helpful:

  • Spend at least 1 hour everyday to read the lecture notes and the textbook, memorize the new concepts and understand the theory;
  • Review what you have learned regularly so it stays fresh;
  • Write down the questions you have, and ask your instructor as soon as possible;
  • Stay up-to-date on homework assignments;
  • Start preparing for the test one week ahead. Break the contents into meaningful sections to study.

    The following links are interesting and helpful:

    What your mother never told you about college

    Learning styles and strategies